Log In

Why should I sign in?

If you are using the premium version of the Android marking app to upload matches and statistics then you will need to log into this portal with the same Google account that you have been using when logging into the app. Once you have logged in then you will be able to see details of the matches you have uploaded from your Android device in the Portal -> My Matches section of the site.

What will Chase One have access to once I am logged in?

We only have access to your email address that you use to log in. We use this to retrieve matches that you have uploaded and present them to you in this portal. We don't have access to any other Google information linked to your account.

What if I don't like being logged in?

You can revoke the Chase One access to your email address at any time. Just follow these steps:

  1. Go to your Google Account page (from Gmail or other Google service)
  2. Go to the Security tab
  3. Click 'View All' in the Account Permissions section
  4. Scroll down and highlight Chase One Real Tennis Marker
  5. Click the 'Revoke Access' button on the right of the screen
  6. You will not be automatically logged in next time you visit the Chase One website and you will need to grant us access again in the future if you want to log in